Updated COVID Protocols. Click here to learn more.
Mon - Fri: 6 am - 9 pm • Sat - Sun: 7 am - 7 pm

Online Classes offered

Here are a list of our online classes being offered to our members until we reopen again.

WERQ from Home with Hannah on Zoom

Wednesdays at 6 pm  

Sundays at 11 am

Online Link: forms.gle/ZnQkomqgkuFaUw5n9


Shana: Zoom https://linktr.ee/fitstylebyshana

Walk@Home- Mondays 6:00 pm

Zumba- Thursdays 5:30 pm


Amanda: Zoom _____ https://zoom.us/j/5903052946

Password: miafitness

Slim Sculpt- Mondays 8:30 am

Bootcamp- Wednesdays 8:30 am

Strength & Cardio- Fridays 8:30 am

Barre- Saturdays 9:30 am

Kickboxing- Sundays 10:00 am


Matt: Instagram Live. @madefitnessct

FUEL- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:00 am

(Each class stays up for 24 hrs)


Christine: Zoom __ https://zoom.us/j/861720294?pwd=b3dJdVJBTk9BM1FxM1dXMVZVTXJ6dz09

Meeting ID: 861 720 294

Password: mactivity

HIIT- Tuesdays, Thursdays 8:30-9:00 am



Saturdays and Wednesdays 9:30am EST.

Suggested donation: $15 via Venmo or Paypal.

Email sarah.c.hill09@gmail.com or visit her Instagram @yogirunnersarah for the zoom link.

Online Classes offered